Samsung SmartThings
Product Detail Page

Visual Content Design

Samsung SmartThings Product Detail Page

The product detail page for Samsung's SmartThings provides the content for Smart Home with IoT devices that ensure a safe home environment and management system for families wherever you are while helping to save energy. The characteristics of motion sensors, multi-purpose sensors, and smart buttons are integrated into lifestyle settings with engaging stories that consumers can easily relate to.
Samsung Electronics
Sep. 2019
What we did
Visual Content Design
This image shows how SmartThings products Water Leak Sensor, Multipurpose Sensor, and Button are used in lifestyle.
Strategy & Direction
Identifying with Samsung's key target audience, we selected lifestyle images to best highlight the detailed characteristics of Samsung's smart home products, and expressed visuals through product-led storytelling with a sense of sophistication and reality.
This is a desktop version of the design page that introduces the design, functionality and lifestyle of SmartThings Water Leak Sensor.
This is a mobile version of the design page that introduces the design, functionality and lifestyle of SmartThings Water Leak Sensor.
This is a still image showing a harmonious design in the lifestyle of SmartThings Water Leak Sensor.
This is a desktop version of the design page that introduces the design and functionality of SmartThings Button.
This is a still image showing the slim design of the SmartThings Button.
This is a mobile version design page that introduces the functionality and usability of SmartThings Motion Sensor.

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